Earth embankments are widely used for roads, railways, river training works, canal embankments, dams, etc. The main economy and safety of these works can be accomplished by adopting proper and economical methods of design. Failure of these structures is likely to result in loss of life and damages to property. It may also result in damage and/or washout of the structure fully or partially
1. AEC Slope considers total stress method of analysis on AutoCAD platform. 2. It does not consider pore water measurements. 3. The section of the dam analyzed is of unit thickness of safety is called the critical slip surface. 4. The sliding mass is divided into a convenient number of slices. 5. Each slice is assumed to act independently of its adjoining slices. 6. The forces acting on the sides of a slice have no influence on the shear resistance. 7. The shear strength of the various zones along the potential failure surface is mobilized simultaneously.
AEC Slope works in tandum with the most popular AutoCAD Application and the drawing drawn for the adequacy checks is directly useful for issue as construction drawing for execution. Designs of earthen structures are now just few clicks away with AEC Slope coming in. It is simple now to input minimum data and run the AEC Slope . Intermediate checks could be carried out to suite site engineers for any design review and adequacy according to the availability of materials at site. The process is see
Civil Engineers Contractors Design Engineers Construction Field 3D Model Designing
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